Quality Features
In addition to restoring your home, you could completely revamp the outside of your home by adding a covered porch or a screened porch. Other outdoor elements that complement siding projects would be new windows or exterior doors, or a tongue and groove wood soffit. Queen Street Carpentry and Contracting will consult and help you decide on the most sophisticated options for your home.

Historic Porch Detailing
Queen Street Carpentry and Contracting is skilled at integrating deck designs that blend with the historic features of your home. They can also execute your vision for elaborate or modern deck projects. A recent project included a 2-story cedar deck with columns, battened wall panels, and a custom handrail system to tie in with the original Victorian front porch.

Versatile Wooden Siding
Wooden bevel siding (also known as clapboard) is one of the oldest types of siding and is a common feature in historic homes, while it can also be used to achieve a modern look. Queen Street Carpentry and Contracting specializes in the restoration of historic homes and will ensure that your home is maintained and preserved. Wooden outdoor elements need to be properly cared for: elements such as outdoor trim, siding, shakes, and shingles.

To make clapboard siding, tongue and groove siding, or board and batten siding last, touches such as pre-finishing make all the difference to ensure that you will be enjoying your custom siding for many years. Other careful finishes such as caulking after installation are crucial to prevent any kind of water damage and are a sign of quality work.

Restoring Siding and Windows
Queen Street Carpentry and Contracting will take the care needed to restore and protect any damage to your siding or old window frames. We always keep an open mind to allow for variation in building plans to adapt to the needs of each house.


Queen Street Carpentry